Manfree Technologies is a prominent technical training institute and product development company located in Coimbatore. Established in 2012, we offer training in Industrial Automation, Embedded Systems, PCB designing, C, C++, Python, and various other fields. Our main objective is to groom students as competent professionals ready for industry roles, and facilitate their placement based on their skills. Additionally, we are actively involved in Research and Development (R&D), Embedded Products, IoT Solutions, PLC programming, and Panel Board Manufacturing customized to meet customer requirements.
Delivering Quality, Affordable, and Engaging Learning Experiences
Inspiring Journeys, Proven Success
Strengthen Your Success with Core Values
At Manfree Technologies, we foster a culture of innovation, constantly seeking new and creative solutions to meet the evolving needs of our clients and the industry.
We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all our actions. Honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior are the foundations of our business.
We strive for excellence in everything we do, delivering top-notch training and solutions that exceed expectations and set new benchmarks in quality.
Collaboration is key to our success. We work closely with clients, partners, and each other to achieve common goals and drive shared success.
Our clients are at the heart of everything we do. We are dedicated to understanding their needs and providing tailored solutions that drive their success.
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